Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Contoh Expressions of making and asking for suggetion

Contoh Expressions of making and asking for suggetion

Contoh 1

Take a walk in Garden

Nada  : Hey Arin, you want to join me take a walk in Garden?
Arin    : Yes, of course Nada let's go !


Nada  : Arin, come here.. What do you think about this Garden?
Arin    : I think this Garden is very beautiful
Nada  : Why do you think so?
Arin    : Because in this Garden there are many beautiful flowers and in here i can refresh        
             my brain. How about you Nada ?
Nada  : Yeah, i really think so
Arin    : Nada come here and look it. How about that flower?
Nada  : Hmm.. I don't like it
Arin    : Why?
Nada  : Because that flower there are many thorns, so i don't like that flower. How do you 
             feel about that?
Arin    : I feel this flower is very beautiful and i love it
Nada  : Hmm.. By the way before the night is coming so come on we go home
Arin    : Okay Nada let's go !

Contoh 2

Pharmacist and Patient

Patient          : Excusme
Pharmacist  : Anything can i do for you ?
Patient          : I wanna buy fever medicine, but i'm confused to choose the madicine. Do you
                         have any idea?
Pharmacist  : Sure, how about bodrex ?
Patient          : Is it good medicine ?
Pharmacist  : Of course, this is good enough medicine
Patient          : But i think, it is not suitable for me
Pharmacist  : So, what kind of medicine do you want ?
Patient          : I want the best one which is wholesome for me
Pharmacist  : Why don't you try paracetamol ? Many people drink it
Patient          : It's sounds good, ok i will try it
Pharmacist  : Okay

Contoh 3

Two Men in the Barber

Men 1  : Good evening
Men 2  : Good evening. What can i do for you ?
Men 1  : I will cut my hair
Men 2  : Sure, what style do you want ?
Men 1  : I don't know, do you have any idea ?
Men 2  : How about rockabilly style, do you want ? 
Men 1  : That's sounds good to me. Let me see the picture
Men 2  : This is it ( while choosing the picture )
Men 1  : I'd rather not, it is so frightening. What about JB style ? It is suitable for me ?
Men 2  : I don't think so, because it's seems childish for you. Why don't you try mohawk 
               style ?
Men 1  : Great idea, i herad mohawk style is very famous
Men 2  : Okay, let me do it
Men 1  : Sure

Contoh 4

A Mother and A Daughter

Mom         : Hello, good morning my daughter
Daughter  : Good morning mom
Mom         : Don't you have a job today ?
Daughter  : No, i'm holiday today
Mom         : So, what shall we do to spend this beautiful day ?
Daughter  : Let's go to shoping mom
Mom         : It's sounds good. Whereshould we go shoping ?
Daughter  : Mall of course. Do you agree with me ?
Mom         : I'd rather not. There's nothing discount, so i will not go there
Daughter  : So what shall we do ?
Mom         : Would you like to cook something for our lunch ?
Daughter  : Good idea mom, by the way i like cooking. Let's have nice cooking mom
Mom         : Come on darling


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